Article Writing To Make Money.

Wednesday 7 April 2010 00:45 Posted by easylife

This is another free way that you can use to promote your affiliate products and websites and if done correctly can make you some very good cash for a long time.
You may have heard of article directories. These are websites that people can submit articles that they have written about subjects they are interested in and people can read these articles and get information from them that they may be looking for.
The great thing about using article directories is that when you submit an article to a directory you can put a link in the authors box at the bottom of the article and this can link back to your affiliate website.
Also the top article directories get very high rankings on google and other search engines so if you have done a good article the way I am about to tell you there is a good chance that when someone searches for a product or information about the product you are promoting then your article will show up on the first page of google and will start to get a lot of traffic. This in turn will lead to people reading your article and then seeing the link at the bottom which leads to your affiliate website. And if it is a good product this can lead to quite a few sales. The good thing is that these sales can go on for a very long time as your article can stay on the first page of google for months if not years. I am still making sales from articles I wrote months ago!
The thing you must know about article directories is that most don't allow you to put your affiliate link into the authors box that shows up at the bottom of the article.You can only put a link to a your own website. But don't worry about this. You wont have to get a domain name or hosting or anything like that. You will just use a free blogging site like this one. Also it is best to promote less popular products to start off with when doing article marketing as if you choose a very popular product,say like a how to make money product, the competition will be very high and it will be very hard to get your article onto the first page of the search engines. That's not to say that it is impossible to promote highly searched products and get good sales with article marketing, its just when starting off you will get much better results with less popular products and once you learn how to do article marketing the right way you can move onto these popular products.
And if you where in doubt that article marketing does not work just have a look at this guys article. CLICK HERE.
As you can see the guy has written an article about "How to get your ex back". Now scroll to the bottom of the article and you can see just how many people have viewed his article. It the time of writing 221,428 people have viewed this article which is a massive amount. And also at the bottom of the article you will see that he has a link to his blog where you can view a video on winning back your ex. Now this video is part of a Clickbank product that he is promoting and if people are interested in the product then they may buy the product. And with this many views to his article you can bet he is making a shed load of sale just from this one article.
This is the power of article marketing and really cannot be ignored as it is free to do and like I said if done correctly than can make you a ton of cash for a very long time to come.
Right, so it is time to look for a product to promote. Some of the best places to look for niche products to promote is in your local newsagents. Just go in and check out all the magazines on the stand. This is a great place to get ideas as you will find that there are magazines out there about subjects that you would never think of.
This is where I get many of my ideas about products to promote and the more obscure sometimes the better as it will be easy to promote and get your article on the first page of google.
So for this example I am going to choose a Wedding Speech product to promote by article marketing. Now I dont know anything about making the perfect wedding speech but this is not a problem.
I will now pop over to Clickbank to see if there are any Wedding Speech products there that I can start to promote.
There is a product on Clickbank about Making the perfect Wedding Speech. You can see it HERE.
Now what you have to do firstly is to find a good keyword phrase that people are searching for when looking for this type of product. Now this applies to any product that you are thinking of promoting and you want to choose a keyword phrase that does not have massive amounts of people typing it into google but enough for you to get your article on to the top pages on google. For this we are going to use googles free keyword search tool.You can find it HERE.
Now if I type in "wedding speech" into the search box all the google searches that include wedding speech in them will show up. Now what I am looking for is a phrase that people have typed into google that shows that they are looking for wedding speech help or tips. In other words phrases that people type into google that show me that they would be interested in buying a product that could help them to make a great wedding speech.
Now if you look at the results you will see that the phrase Wedding Speeches get a wopping 165,000 searches a month. Now this is too high for us to rank with so we will look for something with less searches a month.
If you check the results again you will see that wedding speech ideas get 2400 searches a month which you may think as low but this is perfect for us to use as it will be quite easy to to get on the first page of google using this keyword phrase.
Now if you remember I said that you cannot use your affiliate link in the authors box when submitting an article to the article directories. So what you will do is make a simple blog on . So go and sign up and use wedding speech ideas as the blog title. Dont worry if this blog title has been taken. If it has just use a longer title like "wedding speech ideas groom" or "simple wedding speech ideas". Just as long as you have wedding speech ideas in the title. You get the idea?
Now right a simple post on the blog about the product.I.E. how this product can help you make a great wedding speech and add you affiliate link to the product with a call for action to it like "To make the best wedding speech click here" than add your link. You can get a good idea what to write as the blog post form the actual product page. Even copy and paste some of the paragraphs from the product page onto your blog. Add a few pictures of the product and you are done.
Now what you need to do is write an article about wedding speech ideas. This is the article that you are going to submite to the article directories.
Now when writing an article most poeple would run a mile saying that they are no writer but it is very easy to write good articles.
Make your article between 250 and 350 words long. No more and no less. The reason for this is that the article directories insist on at least 250 words and if you keep your article between 250 and 350 words your call to action will be seen by the people reading the article without having to scroll down the page. You will get more clicks on your link at the bottom of the article this way and this will add up to more potencial sales as some people cannot be bothered reading long article. This is a simple tip that I have found to work well and get more sales.
As for the content of your article just write about the benefits of doing a great speech at a wedding and how preparation on your wedding speech will make it a much better one etc.
Now this is the important part. You must use the keyword phrase "Wedding speech ideas" as the title of the article and also use it 4 to 5 times in the article body. This way google will pick up this search phrase and yours article will get high placement on google. Stick to this rule and your articles will get more visits and so will your blog and thus more sales as people click on your affiliate link on your blog.
When you have finished your article please spell check it as bad grammer is a big no no for the article directories.
By for the best article directory to submit your article is
This is a very highly ranked article directory and your article will get a high placement on google.
So sign up at Ezinearticles and pick a category to submit your article and submit it.
In the authors box at the bottom of the submition page put a call to action like "If you want some graet ideas for your wedding speech click here" then add your blog ulr address. Like I said, dont add the affiliate link to the product that you got of Clickbank as it has to be a link to your own website or blog.
If you are new to Ezinearticle it will take about 5 days for your article to be included on the site as they submit them by hand. By the way the more good article that you submit to Ezinearticles after about 30 articles you will be able to submit articles that become live almost imediatelly.
So instead of waiting for your article to become live choose another product to promote and go through the above again and again for different product.
The more you do it the easier it becomes and once you start to see some sales come in you will be a lot more motivated to carry on.
I know doing all the above seems like hard work and a tough learning curve but it does get easier and the rewards for all your hard work can be very great indeed.
So give it a go today. Dont forget, it wont cast you a penny to do this!

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